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Microsoft® Office Access 2016: Level 3

Training Course Content

Course Objective: In this course, students will learn advanced Access features such as database management, advanced form design, packaging a database, encrypting a database, preparing a database for multi-user access and more.

Prerequisites: To ensure your success, we recommend that you first take Access: Level 1 and Level 2, or have equivalent knowledge and skills.

What's New in 2016: See how the new Tell Me feature enables you to quickly find features, or have Access help you with what you want to do next. The Add Tables dialog box has been increased in size to make it easier to see more table and query names in your database, and five of the most popular database templates have been redesigned to have a more modern look and feel. For complex Access databases with links to many sources, the Linked Table Manager can easily export a list to Excel.

Contact us to discuss if this level is right for you.

Lesson 1: Structuring Existing Data

Topic 1A: Restructure the Data in a Table
Topic 1B: Create a Junction Table
Topic 1C: Improve the Table Structure

Lesson 2: Writing Advanced Queries

Topic 2A: Create SubQueries
Topic 2B: Create Unmatched and Duplicate Queries
Topic 2C: Group and Summarize Records Using Criteria
Topic 2D: Summarize Data Using a Crosstab Query
Topic 2E: Create a PivotTable and a PivotChart

Lesson 3: Simplifying Tasks with Macros

Topic 3A: Create a Macro
Topic 3B: Attach a Macro
Topic 3C: Restrict Records Using a Condition
Topic 3D: Validate Data Using a Macro
Topic 3E: Automate Data Entry Using a Macro

Lesson 4: Creating Effective Reports

Topic 4A: Include a Chart in a Report
Topic 4B: Print Data in Columns
Topic 4C: Cancel Printing of a Blank Report
Topic 4D: Publish Reports as PDF

Lesson 5: Maintaining an Access Database

Topic 5A: Link Tables to External Data Sources
Topic 5B: Manage a Database
Topic 5C: Determine Object Dependency
Topic 5D: Document a Database
Topic 5E: Analyze the Performance of a Database

Access 2016 Training Class Outlines:

Level 1: Fundamentals
Level 2: Intermediate
Level 3: Advanced 1
Level 4: Advanced 2
Level 5: Access SQL and VBA




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