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Microsoft® Office Word 2010: Level 3

Training Course Content

Course Objective:Students will create, manage, revise, and distribute complex documents. This course is designed for persons who want to gain skills necessary to manage lengthy documents, collaborate with others, and secure documents.

Prerequisites: Students should be able to use Microsoft® Office Word 2010 to create, edit, format, save, and print business documents that contain text, tables, and graphics. Students should also be able to use a web browser and an email program. To ensure your success, you need to first take Word Levels 1-2 or have equivalent knowledge.

Lesson 1: Using Microsoft Office Word 2010 with Other Programs

Topic 1A: Link a Word Document to an Excel Worksheet
Topic 1B: Send a Document Outline to Microsoft® Office PowerPoint®
Topic 1C:  Send a Document as an Email Message

Lesson 2: Collaborating on Documents

Topic 2A: Modify User Information
Topic 2B: Send a Document for Review
Topic 2C: Review a Document
Topic 2D: Compare Document Changes
Topic 2E: Merge Document Changes
Topic 2F: Review Track Changes and Comments
Topic 2G: Coauthor a Document

Lesson 3: Managing Document Versions

Topic 3A: Create a New Document Version
Topic 3B: Compare Document Versions
Topic 3C: Merge Document Versions

Lesson 4: Adding Reference Marks and Notes

Topic 4A: Insert Bookmarks
Topic 4B: Insert Footnotes and Endnotes
Topic 4C: Add Captions
Topic 4D: Add Hyperlinks
Topic 4E: Add Cross-References
Topic 4F: Add Citations and a Bibliography

Lesson 5: Simplifying the Use of Long Documents

Topic 5A: Insert Blank and Cover Pages
Topic 5B: Insert an Index
Topic 5C: Insert a Table of Figures
Topic 5D: Insert a Table of Authorities
Topic 5E: Insert a Table of Contents
Topic 5F: Create a Master Document

Lesson 6: Securing a Document

Topic 6A: Hide Text
Topic 6B: Remove Personal Information from a Document
Topic 6C: Set Formatting and Editing Restrictions
Topic 6D: Add a Digital Signature to a Document
Topic 6E: Set a Password for a Document
Topic 6F: Restrict Document Access

Lesson 7: Creating Forms

Topic 7A: Add Form Fields to a Document
Topic 7B: Protect a Form
Topic 7C: Automate a Form

Word 2010 Training Course Outlines:

Level 1 - Fundamentals
Level 2 - Intermediate
Level 3 - Advanced


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