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Microsoft® Office Word 2007: Level 3

Training Course Content

Course Objective: Students will create, manage, revise, and distribute long documents.

Prerequisites: Students should be able to use Microsoft® Office Word 2007 to create, edit, format, save, and print business documents that contain text, tables, and graphics. Students should also be able to use a web browser and an email program. A basic understanding of XML would also be helpful. In order to understand how Word interacts with other applications in the Microsoft Office System, students should have a basic understanding of how worksheets and presentations work. Students can obtain this level of skill by taking the Word 2007 Level 1 and 2.

Lesson 1: Using Microsoft® Office Word 2007 with Other Programs

Topic 1A: Link to a Microsoft® Office Excel® 2007 Worksheet
Topic 1B: Link a Chart to Excel Data
Topic 1C: Send a Document Outline to Microsoft® Office PowerPoint®
Topic 1D: Extract Text from a Fax
Topic 1E: Send a Document as an Email Message

Lesson 2: Collaborating on Documents

Topic 2A: Modify User Information
Topic 2B: Send a Document for Review
Topic 2C: Review a Document
Topic 2D: Compare Document Changes
Topic 2E: Merge Document Changes
Topic 2F: Review Track Changes and Comments

Lesson 3: Managing Document Versions

Topic 3A: Create a New Version of a Document
Topic 3B: Compare Document Versions
Topic 3C: Merge Document Versions

Lesson 4: Adding Reference Marks and Notes

Topic 4A: Insert Bookmarks
Topic 4B: Insert Footnotes and Endnotes
Topic 4C: Add Captions
Topic 4D: Add Hyperlinks
Topic 4E: Add Cross-References
Topic 4F: Add Citations and a Bibliography

Lesson 5: Making Long Documents Easier to Use

Topic 5A: Insert Blank and Cover Pages
Topic 5B: Insert an Index
Topic 5C: Insert Table of Figures
Topic 5D: Insert Table of Authorities
Topic 5E: Insert Table of Contents
Topic 5F: Create a Master Document
Topic 5G: Automatically Summarize a Document

Lesson 6: Securing a Document

Topic 6A: Update a Document's Properties
Topic 6B: Hide Text
Topic 6C: Remove Personal Information from a Document
Topic 6D: Set Formatting and Editing Restrictions
Topic 6E: Add a Digital Signature to a Document
Topic 6F: Set a Password for a Document
Topic 6G: Restrict Document Access

Appendix A: Creating Forms

Supplemental Lesson Creating Forms

Topic 1A: Add Form Fields to a Document
Topic 1B: Protect a Form
Topic 1C: Save a Form Data as Plain Text
Topic 1D: Automate a Form

Word 2007 Training Course Outlines

Level 1 - Fundamentals
Level 2 - Intermediate
Level 3 - Advance


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