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Microsoft® Office PowerPoint 2016: Level 3

Training Course Content

Course Objective: This course is design for the PowerPoint advanced users. Learn how to create powerful, multimedia presentations. You will be able to create multiple Slide Masters, custom layouts, custom notes, and handouts. Use multimedia features of sounds, videos, hyperlinks, motion buttons, and advanced animations to make interactive PowerPoint shows.

Prerequisites: To ensure success, students should have experience using PowerPoint 2016, to create, edit, and deliver multimedia presentations. We recommend that you first take our PowerPoint Level 1 and Level 2 courses or have equivalent knowledge and skills.

Lesson 1: Creating Advanced Animations

Topic 1A: Text Boxes and Bullets
Topic 1B: Tables
Topic 1C: Charts
Topic 1D: Text Effects
Topic 1E: Trigger Effect
Topic 1F: Advanced Audio/Video Functions
Topic 1G: Adding Bookmarks

Lesson 2: Creating Custom Templates

Topic 2A: Themes
Topic 2B: Master Slides
Topic 2C: Custom Layouts
Topic 2D: Custom Footers
Topic 2E: Copying Formats, Format Painter, and Reusing Slides
Topic 2F: Custom Templates and the Library

Lesson 3: Making Your Presentation Interactive

Topic 3A: Action Buttons
Topic 3B: Hyperlink across PowerPoint and Other Programs
Topic 3C: Create Text, Pictures and Shape Hyperlinks
Topic 3D: Create Table of Contents with Hyperlinks
Topic 3E: Linking Across Applications
Topic 3F: Editing Linked Presentation and Links

Lesson 4: Reviewing a Presentation

Topic 4A: Compare and Merge Documents (Better Conflict Resolutions 2016)
Topic 4B: Review, Create and Modify Contents
Topic 4C: Protection on Different Levels

Lesson 5: Working with Proprietary Formats

Topic 5A: Linking and Embedding YouTube Video
Topic 5B: Inserting a Web Page
Topic 5C: Inserting a Word Document into PowerPoint
Topic 5D: Inserting a Screenshot

Lesson 6: Sharing Best Practices

Topic 6A: Presentation Tips
Topic 6B: Professional PowerPoint Tips

Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 Training Course Outlines:

Level 1 - Fundamentals
Level 2 - Intermediate
Level 3 - Advanced


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