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Microsoft® Office PowerPoint 2013: Level 3

Training Course Content

Prerequisites: To ensure success, students should have experience using PowerPoint 2013, to create, edit, and deliver multimedia presentations. We recommend that you first take our PowerPoint Level 1 and Level 2 courses or have equivalent knowledge and skills.

Delivery Method: instructor-led, group-paced, hands-on classroom training with activities. Additionally, manuals are provided for each student for after class reference.

Lesson 1: Creating Advanced Animations

Topic 1A: Text Boxes and Bullets
Topic 1B: Tables
Topic 1C: Charts
Topic 1D: Text Effects
Topic 1E: Trigger Effect
Topic 1F: Advanced Audio/Video Functions
Topic 1G: Adding Bookmarks

Lesson 2: Creating Custom Templates

Topic 2A: Themes
Topic 2B: Master Slides
Topic 2C: Custom Layouts
Topic 2D: Custom Footers
Topic 2E: Copying Formats, Format Painter, and Reusing Slides
Topic 2F: Custom Templates and the Library

Lesson 3: Making Your Presentation Interactive

Topic 3A: Action Buttons
Topic 3B: Hyperlink across PowerPoint and Other Programs
Topic 3C: Create Text, Pictures and Shape Hyperlinks
Topic 3D: Create Table of Contents with Hyperlinks
Topic 3E: Linking Across Applications
Topic 3F: Editing Linked Presentation and Links

Lesson 4: Reviewing a Presentation

Topic 4A: Compare and Merge Documents (2010 Only)
Topic 4B: Review, Create and Modify Contents
Topic 4C: Protection on Different Levels

Lesson 5: Working with Proprietary Formats

Topic 5A: Linking and Embedding YouTube Video
Topic 5B: Inserting a Web Page
Topic 5C: Inserting a Word Document into PowerPoint
Topic 5D: Inserting a Screenshot

Lesson 6: Sharing Best Practices

Topic 6A: Presentation Tips
Topic 6B: Professional PowerPoint Tips

Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 Training Course Outlines:

Level 1 - Fundamentals
Level 2 - Intermediate
Level 3 - Advanced


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