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Adobe® Acrobat® XI Pro: Level 2

Training Course Content

Course Objective: Students will use Adobe Acrobat XI Pro to convert technical documents to PDF files, enhance PDF documents, create interactive PDF forms, and prepare and PDF files for commercial printing.

Prerequisites: To ensure your success in your course you should be comfortable using the basic features of Acrobat® XI Pro. Additionally, you should be proficient in using the Windows operating system to perform work-related computing tasks. You can obtain this level of skill and knowledge by taking Adobe® Acrobat® XI Pro: Level 1.

Lesson 1: Customizing the Acrobat XI Pro Workspace

Topic 1A: Customize the Toolbars
Topic 1B: Customize the Tool Sets

Lesson 2: Creating PDFs from Technical Documents

Topic 2A: Create PDF Documents Using Autodesk AutoCAD
Topic 2B: Measure Technical Drawings

Lesson 3: Enhancing PDF Documents

Topic 3A: Embed Multimedia
Topic 3B: Enhance PDF Document Accessibility

Lesson 4: Securing PDF Documents

Topic 4A: Manage the Security of PDF Documents
Topic 4B: Validate PDF Documents

Lesson 5: Creating Interactive PDF Forms

Topic 5A: Create a PDF Form
Topic 5B: Compile and Manage PDF Form Data

Lesson 6: Finalizing PDF Files for Commercial Printing

Topic 6A: Apply Color Management Settings
Topic 6B: Preview Printed Effects
Topic 6C: Perform Preflight on a PDF Document
Topic 6D: Create PDF/X, PDF/A, and PDF/E Compliant Files
Topic 6E: Perform Preflight on a PDF Document

Additional Adobe Acrobat XI Pro Outlines:

Level 1
Level 2


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