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Microsoft® Office Visio 2016: Level 2

Training Course Content

Course Objective: Students will design advanced plans and diagrams, enhance the look of drawings by creating shapes, stencils and templates. You will be able to share your drawings and connect drawings to external data.

Prerequisites: To ensure your success, each student should have a general knowledge of Microsoft Visio 2016 Level 1 skills like creating basic workflows, diagrams, maps, and floor plans.

Contact us to discuss if this level is right for you.

Delivery Method: Instructor-led, group-paced, hands-on classroom training with activities. Additionally, manuals are provided for each student for after class reference..

Lesson 1: Designing Advanced Plans and Diagrams

Topic 1A: Create a Microsoft Account and Log in to Visio
Topic 1B: Build Advanced Plans
Topic 1C: Build Advanced Diagrams

Lesson 2: Enhancing the Look of Drawings

Topic 2A: Use 3-D Shapes
Topic 2B: Work with Shape Styles
Topic 2C: Define Shape Styles
Topic 2D: Apply Backgrounds, Borders, and Titles

Lesson 3: Working with Custom Shapes, Stencils, and Templates

Topic 3A: Create Simple Custom Shapes
Topic 3B: Create Custom Stencils
Topic 3C: Create Custom Templates

Lesson 4: Connecting Drawings to External Data

Topic 4A: Make an Organization Chart from an Excel Spreadsheet
Topic 4B: Generate a Pivot Diagram from an Excel Spreadsheet
Topic 4C: Create a Gantt Chart from a Project File
Topic 4D: Create a Timeline from a Project File
Topic 4E: Connect a Map to an Access Database

Lesson 5: Leveraging Development Tools

Topic 5A: Create Macros
Topic 5B: Modify Shape Sheets
Topic 5C: Build Advanced Shapes

Lesson 6: Sharing Drawings

Topic 6A: Save and Share Drawings with OneDrive
Topic 6B: Review Drawings
Topic 6C: Insert Drawings into Other Office Files
Topic 6D: Export Drawings
Topic 6E: Print Drawings




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