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Microsoft® Office Visio 2016: Level 1

Training Course Content

Course Objective: Students will design, modify, and manage basic diagrams. You will create a workflow diagram, a network diagram, build organization charts, design a floor plan, and build cross- functional flowcharts.

Prerequisites: To ensure your success, each student should have a general knowledge of Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office concepts.

Contact us to discuss if this level is right for you.

Delivery Method: Instructor-led, group-paced, hands-on classroom training with activities. Additionally, manuals are provided for each student for after class reference..

Lesson 1: Getting Started with Visio 2016

Topic 1A: Perform Basic Tasks in the Visio Environment
Topic 1B: Modify a Drawing
Topic 1C: Save a File

Lesson 2: Working with Workflow Diagram Tools

Topic 2A: Use Drawing Components
Topic 2B: Modify a Drawing
Topic 2C: Insert Callouts and Groups

Lesson 3: Building Organization Charts

Topic 3A: Create an Organization Chart Manually
Topic 3B: Create Organization Charts by Using Starter Diagrams and the Organization Chart Wizard
Topic 3C: Modify an Organization Chart

Lesson 4: Designing a Floor Plan

Topic 4A: Make a Basic Floor Plan
Topic 4B: Model a Room Layout

Lesson 5: Building a Cross-Functional Flowchart

Topic 5A: Create a Cross-Functional Flowchart
Topic 5B: Format a Cross-Functional Flowchart

Lesson 6: Designing a Network Diagram

Topic 6A: Create Network Diagrams
Topic 6B: Use Shape Data
Topic 6C: Use Layers

Lesson 7: Styling a Diagram

Topic 7A: Modify Shape and Connector Styles
Topic 7B: Apply Themes and Variants
Topic 7C: Use Containers




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